Monday, November 23, 2009

Hellos HONESTY6!!!
end of primary sch, doesnt mean that i will forget ue kays? it shld be rmb ue forever in my life,as ue were my beginning. I really dun wanna leave ue just like that kays? Even if only for a second, im willing to be back Honesty 6's pupils . YES, I REALLY DO!!! This two years in Honesty 5 & Honesty 6, ii have learn alot, and thanks for the memory ue gave me alrights? It will all kept in my bottom of my heartfor my whole life even for second life in the heaven or hell kays ? We will stay in contacts kays. Wan my email or handphone number, just go to http://xlonelysiinz-lovedblog.blogspot.com, and leave a tag thr kays ? forever loving ue as a CLASS! alrights ? tmb! keep in contacts. nvr loose any kays ? Good Luck for everything ! : ]

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Heyy all, highclassbirdies!
Don't we ever lose contact alrite?
Honesty5 '08 & Honesty6 '09 must never part!
2 years of memories tgt, we've to cherish.
We fought toughly for PSLE tgt,
helping each other throughout th journey,
we've had fights, quarrels and all,
but in the end,
still th same phrase.
" We love each other, don't we? "
Pleease leave your msn-s and blogurls in th cbox if you have,
or add leave it on some post here ohkay!
I'll update the blog header soon!
' Loved forever.

`/ yuqing:D